AEN Additional Education Needs
Academies Publicly funded independent schools
AHT Assistant Headteacher (a member of the Leadership Group)
ALM Activity Led Model
APP Assessing Pupil Progress
Appraisal A review of an employee’s performance, especially for purposes of staff development
APS Average Point Score
ARC Area Regeneration Compact
Articles of Association The Articles of Association set out regulations for Academies, including the composition of the Governing Body
Associate Members Individuals appointed by the governing body of a LA maintained school. They are not part of the governing body, but are allowed to attend meetings and sit on committees and can be given voting powers
AST Advanced Skills Teachers
Attainment Targets These establish what children of differing ability should be expected to know and be able to do by the end of each Key Stage of the Curriculum– each target is graded into eight levels through which pupils advance as they learn more
AT Academy Trust
ATL Association of Teachers and Lecturers (trade union)
ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder
AWPU Age-weighted Pupil Unit
BAPP Base Allocation Per Pupil
Baseline Assessment Assessment of pupils’ attainment on entry to Year 1
BESD Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties
CAF Common Assessment Framework
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Capital Expenditure Spending on projects, improvements, and extensions of the school
CAP Curriculum Access Provision
Casting Vote An additional vote to be used by the Chair of governors if an equal number of votes is cast for and against a motion
Catchment area The area from which a school takes its pupils
CCLAPB Children’s Centre Local Advisory Partnership Board
CE Church of England
CEO Chief Executive Officer
Chair’s Action The Chair is allowed to take decisions without asking the Governing Body if a delay will be detrimental to the school, a member of staff, a pupil or a parent
CHAS Contractors Health & Safety Assessment Scheme
CIS Children’s Information Service
CLC City Learning Centre
CLL Communication, Language & Literacy
CMfE Children Missing from Education
Collaboration An agreement between two or more schools to work together on one particular issue. They keep their individual governing bodies, but may set up a joint committee to which they can delegate powers
Community Schools LA maintained schools at which the LA is the employer, owns the land and buildings and sets the admission criteria
Community Special Schools LA maintained schools which make special educational provision for pupils with statements of special educational needs (SEN), whose needs cannot be fully met from within mainstream provision.
Community/Co-opted Governor A governor representing community and local businesses chosen by members of a Governing Body
COP Code of practice
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
CPA Comprehensive Performance Assessment
CPD Continuing Professional Development
CPS Common Pay Spine for teachers
CRE Commission for Racial Equality
CVA Contextual Value Added
DBS Disclosure and Barring Service
DDA Disability Discrimination Act
Delegated Budget Money provided to schools, which governors can manage at their discretion
Delegated Powers Authority given to a committee, an individual governor or the Headteacher/principal to take action on behalf of the Governing Body
DES Disability Equality Scheme
DfE The Department for Education
DP Designated Person
DSG Direct Schools Grant
EBD Emotional and behavioural difficulties
ECC Every Child Counts
ECM Every Child Matters
EDP Education Development Plan
EFA Education Funding Agency
EGPS English, grammar, punctuation and spelling
EHCP Education Health and Care plan
EIP Education Improvement Plan
ESL English as a Second Language
Exclusion The temporary or permanent removal of a pupil from school for serious breaches of the school’s behaviour and discipline policy
EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage
EYPP Empowering Young People Project
EYCSP Early Years & Childcare Strategic Partnership
EYSFF Early Years Single Funding Formula
Federation Two or more schools governed by one Governing Body
Foundation Governor A governor appointed by the foundation body of a voluntary school
Foundation Schools LA maintained schools in which the governing body is the employer, owns the land and buildings and sets the admission criteria
FOI Freedom of Information
FS Foundation Stage
FSM Free School Meals
FPN Fair Processing Notice
FSP Foundation Stage Profile
GAG General Annual Grant
G&T Gifted and talented
GLD Good Level of Development
GNVQ General National Vocational Qualification
HLTA Higher Level Teaching Assistant
HMI Her Majesty’s Inspectors
IAN Indicated Admission Number
ICO Information Commissioner’s Office
IDP Inclusion Development Programme
IEP Individual Education Plan
ICT Information and Communication Technology
INRA Impact needs risk assessment
INSET In-service Education and Training
Instrument of Government A legal document setting out the name of the school and the constitution of the Governing Body
ISA Information Sharing & Assessment
ISA Independent Safeguarding Authority
ISB Individual Schools Budget
IS Intensifying Support Programme
ISR Individual School Range
JAR Joint Area Review
KS The four key stages of the National Curriculum
LA Local Authority
LAA Local Area Agreement
LADO Local Authority Designated Officer
LDD Learning Difficulty and Disability
LA Local Authority
LGB Local Governing Body (a committee of the Directors within a Multi-Academy Trust which focuses on the specific school context)
LIP Learning Improvement Project
LMC Local Management Committee
LMS Local Management of Schools
LSB Local Schools Budget
LSC Learning & Skills Council
LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board
LSU Learning Support Unit
MARAC Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference
MASH Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub
MAT Multi-Academy Trust
MFG Minimum Funding Guarantee
MIS Management Information System
Mixed Ability A teaching group in which children of all abilities are taught together
MS Management Systems
NAA National Assessment Agency
NAHT The National Association of Headteachers
NASG The National Association of School Governors
NAS/UWT The National Association of Schoolmasters/Union of Women Teachers
National Curriculum This was established by the 1988 Education Reform Act to ensure that all pupils receive a broad and balanced education, which is relevant to their needs
NCSL National College for School Leadership
NGA National Governors’ Association, the national membership organisation for school governors
NGC The National Governors’ Council
NGfL National Grid for Learning
NHSP National Healthy Schools Programme
NNI Nursery Neighbourhood Initiative
NOF New Opportunities Funding
Non-teaching (support) Staff Members of the school staff employed by the governors to provide services in a school, such as teaching assistants, cleaners and office staff
NPQH National Professional Qualification for Headteachers
NQT Newly Qualified Teacher
NRA National Record of Achievement
NRF Neighbourhood Renewal Fund includes Pupils First
NUT The National Union of Teachers
OfSTED Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills – the body which inspects education and training for learners of all ages and inspects and regulates care for children and young people
PAN Published Admission Number
Parent Governor A governor elected by the parents (or appointed as a parent representative where it has not been possible to elect a parent governor)
PAT The Professional Association of Teachers
PCT Primary Care Trust
PFI Private Finance Initiative
PfS Partnerships for Schools
PGCE Post-Graduate Certificate of Education
PGR Parent Governor Representative
PIPS Performance Indicators in Primary School
PIVATS Performance Indicators for Value Added Target Setting
PLASC Pupil level annual school census
PLMD Profound Multiple Learning Difficulties
PP Pupil Premium
PPA Planning Preparation & Assessment Time for teachers
PRP Performance Related Pay
PRU Pupil Referral Unit
PSED Personal, Social & Emotional Development
PSfC Primary Strategy for Change
PSP Pastoral Support Programme
PSHE Personal Social Health Education
PTA Parent Teacher Association
PTR Pupil/Teacher Ratio
Pupilsfirst Targeted programme to raise attainment in specific secondary and primary schools
Pupil Premium This money goes with eligible pupils to the school they attend, and has been distributed in addition to the underlying schools budget from 2011-2012. The funding is allocated to pupils eligible for FSM, or who have parents in the armed forces
Pupil Profile Broad evaluation of a pupil’s personality, interests and capabilities – this forms part of the pupil’s Record of Achievement
QCA Qualifications & Curriculum Authority
QTS Qualified Teacher Status
Quorum The minimum number of members present at a meeting before decisions can be made
RAISEonline Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through School Self-Evaluation is the web-based system to disseminate school performance data to schools
Resolution A formal decision which has been proposed, seconded and agreed – not necessarily by a vote – at a meeting
RC Roman Catholic
RgI/RI Registered Inspector/Requires Improvement
RIG Rewards & Incentives Group
RO Responsible Officer
RR Reading Recovery
SA School Action – a level of support for pupils who are not making expected progress at school. It requires action to be taken to meet the child’s learning difficulties. The teacher will work with the SENCO to support the child in class. Parents must be informed that that their child may be considered to have SEN and is receiving school action support. Progress should be reviewed twice a year
SA+ School Action plus – is used for pupils where SA has not helped them make adequate progress. The school will get advice and help from the local authority and/or other services, such as the health authority. Progress should be reviewed regularly. If the child is still not making progress, the school or parents may request an assessment that may give the child a statement of Special Educational Needs
SACRE Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
SALT Speech and Language Therapist
SANA Social and Additional Needs Allowance
SATs Standard Assessment Tasks – national tests/tasks set by SCAA
SBC Strategic business case
SCAA School Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Schools Forum A Schools Forum has been established in each LA area to advise on the allocation of the funding for schools – the majority of places on this body should be filled by governors and headteacher/principals, preferably in equal numbers
SDP School Development Plan
SEAL Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning
Secondment The release of staff on a temporary basis for work elsewhere
SEF Self Evaluation Form
SEN Special Educational Needs – Learning difficulties for which special educational provision has to be made. May include children with physical disabilities or emotional and behavioural disorders. Governors have a duty to help to identify and provide for such pupils.
SENCO Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
SEND Special Educational Needs and Disability
SFSS Schools Formula Spending Shares
SFVS Schools Financial Value Standard
SHA Secondary Heads’ Association
SIB Strategic Initiatives Budget
SIP School Improvement Plan
SIP School Improvement Partner
SLA Service level agreement
SLCN Speech Language Communication Needs
SLD Severe Learning Difficulties
SMT Senior Management Team
SOC School Organisation Committee
SPAG Spelling, Punctuation and grammar
Special School Schools that make provision for pupils with statements of special educational needs (SEN), whose needs cannot be fully met from within mainstream provision
SPS Statemented Pupil Support
SRB Single Regeneration Budget
SRE Sex and Relationships Education
SSA Standard Spending Assessment
SSAT Specialist Schools Academy Trust
SSCB Sunderland Safeguarding Children’s Board
SSSNB School Support Staff Negotiating Body
STPCD School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document
STRB School Teachers’ Review Body
SWC School Workforce Census
TA Teaching Assistant
TDA Training and Development Agency for schools
TEC Training and Enterprise Council
TLR Teaching & Learning Responsibility
TPA Teachers Pensions Agency
Trust Schools Foundation schools with a foundation body established under the Education and Inspections Act 2006 – the foundation body may appoint either a minority or a majority of the Governing Body
UNISON Non-teaching staff trade union
URN Unique reference number
VA Voluntary Aided – A school set up and owned by a voluntary body, usually a church body, largely financed by the LA. The Governing Body employs the staff and controls pupil admissions and religious education. The school’s buildings and land (apart from playing fields) will normally be owned by a charitable foundation
Value Added The progress schools help pupils make relative to their individual starting points – rather than looking at raw results VA also takes into account the prior attainment, thus enabling a judgement to be made about the effect of the school on pupils’ current attainment
VC Voluntary Controlled
Virement The agreed transfer of money from the budget heading to which it has been allocated to another budget heading
Work Experience A planned programme as part of careers education, which enables pupils in school time to sample experience of a working environment of their choice
Young Carer A young carer is anyone under 18 years of age who helps to look after a family member who is disabled, physically or mentally ill or has a substance misuse problem
If you come across any acronym or abbreviations in your role as a school governor and it is not listed above, please let us know at governance@wiseacademies.co.uk